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Business Loan Delinquencies

We need to be prepared for business loan delinquencies.

Special Asset departments of banks have been busy. Really busy. The Special Asset department of a bank is the group of people who work with problem loans. If you need to work with them, they will decide:

  • If your loan is called early
  • Terms get extended
  • Credit lines are reduced
  • How to work out getting refinanced

The Special Asset employee at the bank can become your best friend or a challenge to work with, depending on how you deal with them.

They want information.

They want explanations.

They want realistic forecasts.

They want action plans.

They want you to succeed so the loan is paid off.

How do they know that they'll get payments? The basic tool that is used is a 13-week cash flow model.

Solid, realistic sales forecast.
Expenses under control.
Planned payments to vendors.

I'd love to be connected to special asset managers. Please, introduce me if you know any.

E-mail me at [email protected]


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