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Costs of Losing the Best People

Why don't employers see the huge CASH cost of losing their best people, and give them what they need to stay?

Employers spend a lot of extra money when they lose their best people. Here are some of the incremental hard costs:
- Training costs for a new person
- Recruiting costs

Even bigger are the "hidden" costs:
- Employer's time to recruit
- Lost productivity
- Emotional cost to the team

What would it take to keep the best people?
1. Ask them. They'll tell you.
2. Some money. Less than replacing them.
3. Recognition. Get creative and see #2.
4. Bonus idea: Reward them with something that benefits their significant other and/or family.

Back to the cold hard cash facts. Studies show it costs you 33% of someone's annual salary to replace them. You can keep people for a lot less.

Am I right? Wrong? What's your experience?

Let me know in the comments below.

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