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Move Your Chess Pieces to Win the Cash Flow Game

clients david safeer Aug 13, 2021

I was working with a client recently. She is really sharp - she understands everything that I throw at her and always asks great questions.

In her case, she was anticipating a negative bank balance six weeks ahead. She hired me to help her organize expenses around this particular week, and to specifically find expenses that we could move around to avoid a negative balance.

We went from top to bottom on her list of expenses, which ranged from about $100 to $50,000. We tried to move some to a date after the week with the negative balance.

I realized that what we were doing was like moving chess pieces on a chessboard. Moving a large bill was like moving a king or queen; it could change the strategy of the game.

Moving a pawn - a small bill from $100 to $500 - would not make a huge difference, but if you move enough pawns they add up and can even win the cash flow game for you.

Are you interested in learning how to play chess with your cash?

If you are, check out my course Winning the Cash Flow Game™.

Use the coupon code LINKED50A and get 50% off.

Trust me, you'll sleep better at night knowing how to win this game. My client sure did.


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