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Fortnight Cash Flow with David Safeer


On this episode of Fortnight Cash Flow, David talks with DryRun's Jeremy Burke discussing simple cash flow optimization techniques that you can implement in your own business. 


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Fire โ€œLoserโ€ Clients or Keep Wasting Your Cash

clients collections Oct 23, 2020

Sales growth at all costs? Most of the clients that I work with have great sales, are growing revenue, or could grow revenue if they had additional cash to fund the growth. At the same time, every one of my clients is struggling to manage their cash.

After doing the basics of getting their cash management systems in place I almost always recommend that they fire some of their clients.

Yes, fire clients.


Not all revenue is good revenue and not all clients are good clients.

These clients are killing the company’s cash flow and slowing or eliminating the company’s ability to grow.

Which Clients Are Hurting Your Company?

There are two types of clients that hurt your company:

Client’s that hurt your profits and cashflow

  • Non-payers
  • Late-payers
  • Unprofitable or break-even

Clients that hurt your productivity and moral

  • Complainers that are not constructive and just make life miserable for you and your employees
  • “Special” clients with constant...
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