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Crowdfunding for Cash Management

Do you know that crowdfunding can be an effective cash management tool for raising capital?

Crowdfunding is pre-selling products that are in development. You owe people something, but usually at a good profit margin. You don't sell equity in your company and you don't go into debt. You do get:

- Publicity before you launch

- Feedback on your product

- Ideas for additional product

- An idea for market acceptance

- Names for your mailing list

- The cash you need to launch the product or business

Most people think of Kickstarter or Indiegogo (I've used Indiegogo) as only for new companies...wrong! You can introduce new products as well.

I've done crowdfunding for non-profit as well as for-profit organizations. Possibilities for funding:

- Book launches

- Food vendors

- Manufacturers

- Service providers

- Race/adventure organizers

- Non-profit fundraising

The possibilities are literally endless.

Have you done any crowdfunding? I'm looking for any reason not to do it.

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The Clear PATH To Cash: Money is for Sale Featuring David Safeer


"The number one way people raise capital for their startup companies is called credit card debt... but there are other options!"


See original podcast here

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