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Flat Volume with Increased Sales and Profits


A few weeks ago I broadcast this information about how to increase sales and profits without increasing volume of any kind. 

Listen in to hear about a specific case study where I made this happen for my client.

If you want to learn more and talk with me, follow this Calendly link to sign up for a brief introductory meeting. The webinar I mentioned in the broadcast will have passed, but I am always available for a chat.

How have you managed your business when money gets tight? Let me know in the comments!


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Strategic Action Plans

Strategic Action Plans

You know where you are today. You know where you want your business to go. So why is it so hard to change?

Because making real changes in a business takes big, bold shifts in actions, attitudes, and thinking.

You know all of that, so why is it STILL so hard to make changes?!

Because most business owners and managers are so busy working on the day-to-day challenges of running an ongoing business that it is next to impossible to focus on the work needed to create change.

Strategic action plans identify the changes that need to be made in a business and then break them down into achievable tasks that can be accomplished in 1-2 weeks. Most of the time an individual task doesn’t make a major change in a business. But ask yourself, ”What would happen to my business if every week I can implement just two small changes that would move my business in the direction of my ultimate goal?”

Two changes a week would mean 26 changes for your business in the...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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