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Don't Borrow Money, Just Don't Pay Your Bills

No money to pay your bills? Don't borrow money, just don't pay your bills.

You have to pay them at some point, but there are tactics to slow down money flowing out of your bank account.

But FIRST... here are some bills you need to pay on time:
Anything that puts you in breach of contract and puts your business, your home, or your health at risk.

Other than that, most bills can be postponed past the due date without dire consequences.

Look at bills that you owe large corporations, who are used to delays. Telephone, internet, utilities, insurance companies. You may be able to wait up to 60 days without consequences. Let them know when you'll be paying.

Suppliers: Make sure that you talk with them. Make payment arrangements. Don't surprise them. Make a partial payment. Many times your relationship is more important than delaying payment.

Mortgages and rent: Most have a no-penalty grace period. Use it when you need to.

Please, be careful with solo-entrepreneurs and...

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Focus On Where You Want to Go, Not Where You Don't

The first time I went skiing as a teenager I watched my classmate beautifully ski down the hill and, in slow motion, turn gently to the left and ski into a barn.

The barn wasn't anywhere near the bottom of the run. It was way far away and posed no danger to anyone. But as the instructor shouted "Stay away from the barn!" her turn became sharper until she was pointed directly at the big, red barn!

I suspect that her problem was that she focused on "not hitting the barn" instead of going straight.

That's a lot like when in business we are focused on preventing a result instead of focusing on the result we do want. We often end up "hitting the barn" instead of getting the result.

When I ski and I'm moving fast, I always need to focus on where I need to go and I consciously block thinking about obstacles that could cause danger. I know the danger is there, but I focus on where I want to go.

The same in business. Focus on where you want to go.

I'd love to hear any comments you've had, or...

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Accrual Basis vs. Cash Basis Accounting

Are there any accountants out there that would like to convince me that accrual accounting is better for a small business than cash accounting?

I'm talking about having a discussion, not an argument. An exchange of ideas and open minds. We can have a civil chat and explain to each other why we think our idea is better.

I believe that cash accounting is the only way to go for small businesses unless accrual accounting is required for a bank loan.

How small a business?

Let's start at the $25,000,000 mark. That the IRS limit established in 2018 before you need to do accrual accounting for tax purposes.

I am guessing that there are a few accountants out there that disagree with this position!

Are you interested in having the conversation?

Please let me know in the comments!

#accounting #wtcfg #bookkeeping

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Crowdfunding for Cash Management

Do you know that crowdfunding can be an effective cash management tool for raising capital?

Crowdfunding is pre-selling products that are in development. You owe people something, but usually at a good profit margin. You don't sell equity in your company and you don't go into debt. You do get:

- Publicity before you launch

- Feedback on your product

- Ideas for additional product

- An idea for market acceptance

- Names for your mailing list

- The cash you need to launch the product or business

Most people think of Kickstarter or Indiegogo (I've used Indiegogo) as only for new companies...wrong! You can introduce new products as well.

I've done crowdfunding for non-profit as well as for-profit organizations. Possibilities for funding:

- Book launches

- Food vendors

- Manufacturers

- Service providers

- Race/adventure organizers

- Non-profit fundraising

The possibilities are literally endless.

Have you done any crowdfunding? I'm looking for any reason not to do it.

Have you bought something from...

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The Courage to Lead Episode 94 - Courage to Care About the People

Follow this link to listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts.

I had a great time on The Courage to Lead with Harlan Hammack discussing cash flow optimization (including some counterintuitive tactics), planning for the future, explanation of some of my offers here on the website, and more. 

I also got to share a bit more of my own story of how I came to be involved in cash flow advising. It was not an easy decision, but it was a logical one.

Coach Harlan was a great host - big thanks to him!

Follow this link to listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts.

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Don't Try to Not Hit the Tree


I just came across this favorite Cash Management Minute, and find its principles to stay true as ever.

It is much more effective to decide what to do instead of what not to do - in skiing and in business!

Does anyone else find this to be true? Or are you looking forward to hitting the slopes this winter like I am? 

Let me know your experiences (or your favorite place to ski) in the comments below!

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