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Revenue Growth: Beyond Sales & Promotions

 A quick internet search on the term “list of ways to grow sales” brings up list after list of “proven ways” to grow sales. Most suggestions are sales and instant demand generation activities.

Why is there so much focus on sales and instant demand generation? Three fundamental reasons:

  1. These are quick fixes that often create the illusion of an increase in sales, followed quickly by an offsetting dip in sales the following month or quarter. The pressure to “make the month” or “make the quarter” overrides the damaging creation of a cyclical pattern that becomes obvious to the marketplace and reinforces these solutions, which usually involve discounting, “stuffing” the distribution channel, or providing incentives to purchase.
  2. This is the “fun” stuff and people are enamored with the creative solutions of advertising, promotions, slogans, flashy websites, and spending money to make money. It feels good to buy...
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