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The Journey to Becoming a Cash Flow and Profit Advisor: It's Like Learning a New Language

Uncategorized Oct 18, 2024

Many people are surprised to learn that becoming a proficient cash flow and profit advisor can take years. But when you think about it, it's not so surprising. After all, it's like learning a new language and a completely new way of thinking. As Sandler Selling aptly puts it, "You can't learn to ride a bicycle at a weekend seminar." This principle applies to any significant life skill, including mastering the intricacies of financial advisory.

Let's consider an example to illustrate this point. What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you look at financial reports? If you're truly fluent in cash flow advisory, your immediate thought should be: "Are these accrual or cash-basis accounting?" This distinction is crucial because if the reports are accrual-based, they're almost entirely useless for cash flow purposes, especially the Profit and Loss statement.

Now, you might argue that you can create a "statement of cash flows." But that's missing the point entirely. The real...

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What Small Businesses Really Want from their Accountants

Uncategorized Sep 18, 2024

Let's talk about what clients really want from their financial professionals. As someone who specializes in cash flow advisory, I've gained some insights on this topic that I'd like to share with you.

It's All About Improvement

So, what do clients really want? They want help improving their business in the future. That's right. Whether it's from their bookkeeper, accountant, CPA, or finance people, they're expecting ways to show improvements.

But here's the issue - and I see this far too often - instead of providing improvement advice, many financial advisors are just pointing out problems. "Here's a problem. Here's another problem." Sound familiar? They're adept at spotting issues, but not as skilled at saying, "This is how you can fix it." And that's where the ball is often dropped.

A Personal Analogy

Let me share a personal experience that illustrates this point perfectly. When my daughter got married, it was a wonderful event. We had a photographer there, capturing every moment....

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Unlock Your Business's Potential with a Cash Flow and Profitability Expert

Uncategorized Aug 17, 2024
Cash is Clear
Unlock Your Business's Potential with a Cash Flow and Profitability Expert

You've heard us say it time and time again:

Traditional accrual based accounting simply isn't designed to help small businesses survive and thrive.  

In today's competitive business landscape, managing cash flow and profitability is more critical than ever. Partnering with a cash flow and profitability expert can be a game-changer for your organization, providing the insights and strategies needed to maximize your financial performance. Not only will they pay for themselves through increased profits, but they'll also help you identify cost savings and margin improvements to compensate for their services.

Engaging a cash flow and profitability expert is the quickest way to implement systems that monitor, manage, and maximize your cash flow and profits. They'll work with you to develop tailored strategies that address your unique challenges and goals, ensuring long-term financial stability.

With their guidance, you'll gain a deeper understanding of your cash needs, learn...

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Proactive Cash Flow Strategies for Stable, Profitable Companies

Uncategorized Jul 17, 2024

When it comes to improving cash flow, many articles suggest strategies that give the illusion of control. However, the final decision often lies with someone else – your client, vendor, or creditor. While these strategies may work for companies in financial trouble, stable and profitable companies can focus on proactive strategies they can control. By doing so, they can gain a competitive advantage and increase both cash flow and profits.

Many popular cash flow strategies, such as getting a loan, increasing pricing, selling more, or offering discounts for early payment, depend on the decisions of others. Your bank decides whether to lend, your client decides whether to pay more or buy more, and your client decides whether to take advantage of early payment discounts. 

Short-Term Gains, Long-Term Losses: Some cash flow strategies can actually decrease long-term cash flow and profits while providing short-term cash infusions. Factoring or selling receivables, taking out...

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Getting Started with Cash Flow Management and Advisory Services: Empowering Business Owners

Uncategorized Jun 17, 2024

As a financial professional, one of the most important things I've learned is that business owners value control in every aspect of their operations. This desire for control can sometimes be the reason why they haven't started working on their cash flow management. Our job as advisors is to help them understand that they have more control than they think over when money comes in and out of their company.


Many business owners are stuck in a box when it comes to how they get paid. They may not realize that there are various options available, both in terms of the mechanics and timing of payments from clients. Similarly, they may not be aware of the options they have when it comes to paying their own bills, such as paying late if needed or taking advantage of early payment discounts from vendors.


To be an effective cash flow advisor, I recommend learning how to manage cash flow using a spreadsheet. While automated software can be helpful, starting with a spreadsheet...

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Understanding Cash Flow Reports: A Guide for Small Business Owners

Uncategorized May 17, 2024

Understanding Cash Flow Reports: A Guide for Small Business Owners

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business, large or small. Knowing how money moves in and out of your company is crucial for survival and growth. Today, I want to delve into the world of cash flow reports, highlighting the ones that are truly beneficial for your business, the ones that might not be as useful, and one that you might even want to avoid altogether. Let's break down this complex subject into manageable pieces, suitable for anyone managing their own small business finances.

  1. The Cash Flow Forecast: A Starting Point

First up is the cash flow forecast. Many small business accounting tools, like QuickBooks, offer features or third-party services to help predict your future cash flow. These forecasts are based on a static model, meaning they use your past financial activity to estimate future spending and income. While this approach can offer a basic overview, it's important to remember that it's somewhat...

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Lessons I Learned from Chef Gordon Ramsay

Uncategorized Apr 17, 2024

I Learned Some Great Business Lessons from Chef Gordon Ramsay

I love reality TV cooking shows. In particular, I enjoy and appreciate two shows featuring Chef Gordon Ramsay: Hell’s Kitchen and Kitchen Nightmares.

Why? Because while I’m learning new things about cooking, I also learn about achieving outstanding performance in business and in life. (Yes, I really enjoy cooking, but I’ll save that for another blog post…)

Here are some of the things I’ve observed, and what I learned about achieving outstanding performance.


  • Chef Ramsay demands teamwork. I learned… achieving outstanding performance requires group cooperation, in addition to outstanding individual performances.
  • Chef Ramsay is not trying to be popular. I learned… to do the right thing for the circumstances at hand, regardless of what people will think of me.
  • Chef Ramsay calls it like he sees it. I learned… Being honest with people raises their level...
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Mastering Cash Flow Management: A Guide for Entrepreneurs

Uncategorized Mar 19, 2024

In the world of business, understanding the flow of cash is akin to navigating the vast seas. It's all about cash flow management—a term that goes beyond mere numbers, representing a crucial strategy for entrepreneurs and business advisors alike. This isn't just about tracking cash flow; it's about taking the reins and ensuring that your business thrives through meticulous planning and execution. Let's delve into the essentials of cash flow management and how mastering it can transform your business operations.

The Essence of Cash Flow Management

Cash flow management is the art and science of monitoring, analyzing, and optimizing the movement of money into and out of your business. It's about recognizing that as a business owner or an advisor, you have the power to influence how money flows, making strategic decisions to either speed up income or manage expenses more effectively. This proactive approach ensures that your business isn't just reacting to financial situations but...

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Turning Trash into Cash: A Simple Strategy for Boosting Profits

Uncategorized Mar 18, 2024

Discovering new ways to enhance cash flow and boost profits is crucial for any business. One effective strategy is transforming trash into cash, a concept that might seem simple but holds potential for significant financial gains.

The essence of this strategy is finding value in what is typically discarded, an approach that can be beneficial for various businesses, especially those with manufacturing processes that generate waste or excess materials.

The process involves identifying potential buyers for waste materials, which could be other companies that can repurpose or recycle these items. This not only creates an additional revenue stream but also reduces waste disposal costs. It’s a double win: earning from selling waste materials and saving on disposal expenses.

Implementing this strategy does require some effort. Businesses need to establish connections with potential buyers and understand their requirements. Sorting and storing waste materials according to these...

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Get More Credit!

Uncategorized Feb 20, 2024

Are you seeking ways to elevate your business's financial standing? Today, we delve into the art of expanding your business credit. Our aim is to provide you with actionable strategies without delving into complex financial terminology. Let's jump in!

  1. The Dynamics of Credit:

Understanding the dynamics of credit became crystal clear for me at a real estate seminar. While I was there in a support role, the speaker's enthusiasm about utilizing other people's money, including credit cards, was contagious. Despite the risks, credit cards can be a valuable tool, especially when you have cash in the bank. It allows you to float for 30 to 60 days, offering a helpful buffer for certain purchases.

  1. Business Credit Essentials:

Whether you're tapping into personal or business credit, the first lesson is clear — ask for it. Our journey begins with your vendors. Even if you usually pay with a debit card, inquire about credit terms. Negotiate for 10 to 15 days if 30 seems daunting....

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