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Accrual Basis vs. Cash Basis Accounting

Are there any accountants out there that would like to convince me that accrual accounting is better for a small business than cash accounting?

I'm talking about having a discussion, not an argument. An exchange of ideas and open minds. We can have a civil chat and explain to each other why we think our idea is better.

I believe that cash accounting is the only way to go for small businesses unless accrual accounting is required for a bank loan.

How small a business?

Let's start at the $25,000,000 mark. That the IRS limit established in 2018 before you need to do accrual accounting for tax purposes.

I am guessing that there are a few accountants out there that disagree with this position!

Are you interested in having the conversation?

Please let me know in the comments!

#accounting #wtcfg #bookkeeping

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